Continual ImprovementThe question is not, "are we improving?"You must ask, "are we improving fast enough?" Quality management system (QMS) standards include direct and indirect references to Continual Improvement. Please refer to the following documents:
Organizations large and small are expected to continually improve their processes and products. The continual improvement philosophy has an impact on customer satisfaction, satisfaction of other interested parties, profitability and longevity of the organization. Top management's commitment and active participation is essential to the success of continual improvement processes. Dr. W. Edwards Deming explains this in his book Out of the Crisis. Some of the benefits of Continual Improvement:
Jan Roovers Associates, Inc. has trained hundreds of people in the design and implementation of continual improvement processes. No canned or "flavor-of-the-month" programs! We work with our clients to develop a process that would best suit the needs of the organization. Continual improvement courses are geared (as much as reasonably possible) towards the specific needs and expectations of the organization and the participants. Small group discussions and customized (company-specific) exercises are used to help participants internalize, and immediately apply what has been taught. Consulting
For information about our Continual Improvement programs, contact us at 704.577.5761 or via e-mail (Preferred!) info@janroovers.com. |
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